Leading a crisis management team

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Leading a crisis management team

RelyOn Nutec
Logo van RelyOn Nutec
Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_half 8,7 RelyOn Nutec heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,7 (uit 10 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

placeRelyOn Rotterdam
15 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 15 mei 2025, 08:30-16:30, RelyOn Rotterdam, Day 1
placeRelyOn Rotterdam
10 jul. 2025
Toon rooster
event 10 juli 2025, 08:30-16:30, RelyOn Rotterdam, Day 1
placeRelyOn Rotterdam
11 sep. 2025
Toon rooster
event 11 september 2025, 08:30-16:30, RelyOn Rotterdam, Day 1


RelyOn Nutec:

Realistische veiligheidstrainingen voor de offshore, maritieme en wind industrie.

Target group:

Chairman (or deputy) of a crisis management team.


Basic crisis management training.


After completing the training for chairs of a crisis management team, participants can lead the crisis management team under time pressure, and are competent in decision making under time pressure. They are skilled in managing the team using the PADAC meeting model, and can make an impact analysis. They are familiar with stakeholder communication, crisis communication and the responsibilities of the different roles in the crisis team. Participants can mobilize and scale up and escalate to the next higher level.



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RelyOn Nutec:

Realistische veiligheidstrainingen voor de offshore, maritieme en wind industrie.

Target group:

Chairman (or deputy) of a crisis management team.


Basic crisis management training.


After completing the training for chairs of a crisis management team, participants can lead the crisis management team under time pressure, and are competent in decision making under time pressure. They are skilled in managing the team using the PADAC meeting model, and can make an impact analysis. They are familiar with stakeholder communication, crisis communication and the responsibilities of the different roles in the crisis team. Participants can mobilize and scale up and escalate to the next higher level.



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