English 2 Elementary (morning)

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English 2 Elementary (morning)

British Language Training Centre
Logo van British Language Training Centre

Tip: meer info over het programma, prijs, en inschrijven? Download de brochure!

Startdata en plaatsen

placeBLTC Amsterdam
22 jan. 2025 tot 4 apr. 2025
Toon rooster
event 22 januari 2025, 10:00-12:00, BLTC Amsterdam, Wednesday & Friday


Do you wish to improve your English? We can help! With over 37 years of experience, BLTC provides effective communicative General English courses at its centre in the heart of Amsterdam. Take a free level check and speak with our teachers for advice.

Basic courses - English 1, 2 & 3

These courses introduce students to the basic structures of English and develop the full range of communication skills in speaking, reading, listening, and writing. They provide extensive practice of structures and aim to quickly boost essential vocabulary for practical communication. Functional everyday language is developed and practised.

Intermediate courses - English 4 & 5

These courses build up and conso…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Engels, Nederlands, Duits, Engels schrijven en Zakelijk Engels.

Do you wish to improve your English? We can help! With over 37 years of experience, BLTC provides effective communicative General English courses at its centre in the heart of Amsterdam. Take a free level check and speak with our teachers for advice.

Basic courses - English 1, 2 & 3

These courses introduce students to the basic structures of English and develop the full range of communication skills in speaking, reading, listening, and writing. They provide extensive practice of structures and aim to quickly boost essential vocabulary for practical communication. Functional everyday language is developed and practised.

Intermediate courses - English 4 & 5

These courses build up and consolidate the language skills of students who already have a basic knowledge of English. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on the student's ability to understand and produce spoken English. Course contents include grammar practice, vocabulary building, role-play, discussion, and task listening.

Blijf op de hoogte van nieuwe ervaringen

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  • Vraag informatie aan over deze cursus. Je ontvangt vanaf dan ook een seintje wanneer iemand een ervaring deelt. Handige manier om jezelf eraan te herinneren dat je wilt blijven leren!
  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: Engels.

Deel je ervaring

Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Download gratis en vrijblijvend de informatiebrochure


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