7 E-Learning Cisa Trainingen
Bekijk ook: Auditing (financieel), Internal Auditing, CRISC, ISACA, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) en Interne Auditing.
Bekijk ook: Auditing (financieel), Internal Auditing en CRISC.
CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor Training
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Since 1978, the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) program, sponsored by the Informati…
CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor (via e-learning)
The CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor (via e-learning) course provides you with the knowledge and proficiency to prepare for the…
CISA Online Review Course [CISA]
OVERVIEW The course covers all five of the CISA domains, and each section corresponds directly to the CISA job practice. It uses proven ins…
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
In deze training leer je IT-systemen te auditen, controleren, monitoren en beoordelen terwijl je je voorbereidt op de CISA-certificering. …