Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

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Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

Xebia Academy
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Gemiddeld cijfer voor Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)
Gebaseerd op 4 ervaringen Lees alle ervaringenchevron_right
Benita van Lawick
scrum master
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

"Een training om je vooral te activeren de theorie in je eigen praktijk toe te passen en je ook door andere deelnemers te laten inspireren. Daardoor waardevol en inspirerend. Om het maximale uit deze dag te halen zou ik een goede theoretische voorbereiding aanbevelen, zoals ook in de uitnodiging staat." - 04-06-2024 07:29

"Een training om je vooral te activeren de theorie in je eigen praktijk toe te passen en je ook door andere deelnemers te laten inspireren. D… alles lezen - 04-06-2024 07:29

Startdata en plaatsen

placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
12 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 12 mei 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
placeLaapersveld 27, Hilversum
23 sep. 2025
Toon rooster
event 23 september 2025, 09:00-17:00, Laapersveld 27, Hilversum, Dag 1
placeLaapersveld 27, Hilversum
24 nov. 2025
Toon rooster
event 24 november 2025, 09:00-16:00, Laapersveld 27, Hilversum, Dag 1


Become a Professional Agile Leader with EBM specialization!

During this course, you will learn all about the Evidence-Based Management™ (EBM) Framework, developed by to support you as a Professional Agile Leader in team management and in the continuous improvement of your organization's resource planning, capabilities, and business results. PAL-EBM is an empirical (experiment- and data-based) approach for:

  • Continuous improvement of (customer) results and capacities
  • Risk reduction
  • Investment optimization and resource planning

After all, to measure is to know. With PAL-EBM, you increase and accelerate the adaptability of your organization, an absolute must in a volatile market envi…

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Become a Professional Agile Leader with EBM specialization!

During this course, you will learn all about the Evidence-Based Management™ (EBM) Framework, developed by to support you as a Professional Agile Leader in team management and in the continuous improvement of your organization's resource planning, capabilities, and business results. PAL-EBM is an empirical (experiment- and data-based) approach for:

  • Continuous improvement of (customer) results and capacities
  • Risk reduction
  • Investment optimization and resource planning

After all, to measure is to know. With PAL-EBM, you increase and accelerate the adaptability of your organization, an absolute must in a volatile market environment!

This Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM) training is perfect for...

Are you a Scrum Master, Product Owner, Team Lead, coach, consultant or other executive and do you want to perfect your Agile leadership using EBM? Would you like to help your organization boost its Agility? Or do you want to expand your knowledge of the Agile mindset for effective leadership? Then this training is perfect for you!

What will you learn during this PAL-EBM training?

During this training, you will learn (hands-on!) what EBM is and how to deploy it for your organization's purposes and goals. You will experience all about the techniques that will give you and your team an empirical evidence-based, Agile mindset, namely:

  • Goals & Measures: How do you use EBM to influence the goals, behaviors, culture and values within your organization?
  • Empiricism as a leadership approach: How do you use experiments and data to formulate and achieve your organization's strategic objectives?
  • Key Value Areas: How do you utilize KVAs to target measurements for improving market value and operational capabilities?
  • Targets and Trust: how do these contribute to your organization's autonomy, transparency and value delivery?
  • In what ways do market leadership and sustainability correlate with trial-and-error research and adjustment based on empirical data?


The following topics are on the training program:

  1. Leadership Styles and Evidence-Based Management.
  2. Agile business strategies (Goals versus Trust).
  3. Empiricism: experimenting, data collection and Product Value.
  4. Hypothesis formation and evaluation.
  5. Key Value Areas: Unrealized Value, Current Value, Time to Market, Ability to Innovate.
  6. Identification, formulation, inspection and adjustment of goals.
  7. Portfolio planning with EBM.
  8. EBM for stakeholders & customers.

PAL-EBM Trainers

Our trainers are Agile consultants and certified professionals. They are gurus in the field of Agile working: experts with a lot of practical experience. They are happy to share their expertise and experience with you, complementary to the PAL-EBM learning objectives that have been established by

PAL-EBM Certification

The PAL-EBM exam (plus one retry) and certificate are included in the training. The online exam can be taken at a moment of choice. Please note, only if you take the exam within two weeks upon completion of the training will you receive a free second chance.

If you pass the PAL-EBM exam, you:

  • Receive a PAL-EBM certificate.
  • Become a lifelong member of the community.
  • Are included in the global database of Professional Agile Leaders.

Agile Leadership Learning Journey

This training follows the PAL basic training: Professional Agile Leadership Essentials (PAL-E). Would you like to perfect your leadership style with us? That is possible, for example, with the Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Foundation training course. Or choose a new route and immerse yourself in Agile Scaling!

Yes, I want to become a Professional Agile Leader and EBM expert!

Then this training is perfect for you. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with all practical information. One week before the training we will ask you about your dietary needs. If preparation for the training is required, you will also receive the necessary literature via email. We look forward to seeing your registration!

Prerequisites for attending this training:

  • You have successfully completed the Professional Agile Leadership Essentials (PAL-E) training and are familiar with the basics of the Agile way of working and Agile transformation.
  • You have read the Evidence-Based Management Guide.

What else do I need to know?

  • Taking the PAL-EBM exam (plus one retake) is included in the price of the training. If you pass, you will receive the certificate (Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management).
  • Also included: all study materials and each course day a delicious lunch!
  • The training is given in English. If desired, we can give this course in Dutch, in the form of in-company training.
  • The exam will be taken in English
  • Travel and accommodation costs, if any, are at your own expense.

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Gemiddeld cijfer voor Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)
Gebaseerd op 4 ervaringen
Benita van Lawick
scrum master
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

"Een training om je vooral te activeren de theorie in je eigen praktijk toe te passen en je ook door andere deelnemers te laten inspireren. Daardoor waardevol en inspirerend. Om het maximale uit deze dag te halen zou ik een goede theoretische voorbereiding aanbevelen, zoals ook in de uitnodiging staat." - 04-06-2024 07:29

"Een training om je vooral te activeren de theorie in je eigen praktijk toe te passen en je ook door andere deelnemers te laten inspireren. D… alles lezen - 04-06-2024 07:29

Saar Rahakbauw
Scrum Master
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

"Fijne interactieve training waarbij de lesstof door verschillende oefeningen tot leven kwam. De training werd in het Engels gegeven en was goed te volgen. Leuke groep deelnemers (van verschillende organisaties) met herkenbare uitdagingen." - 03-01-2024 10:45

"Fijne interactieve training waarbij de lesstof door verschillende oefeningen tot leven kwam. De training werd in het Engels gegeven en was g… alles lezen - 03-01-2024 10:45

Wouter Sommers
Scrum Master
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

"leuke en inspirerende training op een prima locatie. Was goed verzorgd. Hele dag interactief bezig geweest met de materie. Het heeft me mooie nieuwe inzichten gegeven. Ook fijn om bij zo'n training weer andere mensen te ontmoeten om zo ervaringen te kunnen delen." - 13-12-2023 05:41

"leuke en inspirerende training op een prima locatie. Was goed verzorgd. Hele dag interactief bezig geweest met de materie. Het heeft me mooi… alles lezen - 13-12-2023 05:41

Janneke Modderman
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM)

"Leuke interactieve training die niet alleen focust op nieuwe informatie delen maar ook ruimte biedt om je huidige kennis van scrum (waar relevant) weer opnieuw te toetsen.
Enige dat ik voor een volgende keer anders zou doen is meer aandacht in de training voor portfolio management. De hoeveelheid vragen daarover in het examen overviel me een beetje. " - 11-12-2023 13:02

"Leuke interactieve training die niet alleen focust op nieuwe informatie delen maar ook ruimte biedt om je huidige kennis van scrum (waar rel… alles lezen - 11-12-2023 13:02

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