Angular Masterclass


Angular Masterclass

EDC4IT Europe BV
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This course has been designed to give each student a comprehensive explanation of all the techniques necessary to build solid web applications with Google's Angular. During the course, students will work from scratch as well as use the ng cli.


Students for this course will be familiar with JavaScript and have a strong understanding of HTML/CSS. Some experience in TypeScript would be helpful. We advise people to follow our TypeScript Introduction course

Course Contents

This thrilling 4-day course offers experienced developers an excellent way to delve deeper into Angular 2 (A2). Throughout the 4 days, developers will be guided by our stimulating course to take on a deeper kn…

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Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Angular, JavaScript, Programmeren (algemeen), jQuery en NodeJS.

This course has been designed to give each student a comprehensive explanation of all the techniques necessary to build solid web applications with Google's Angular. During the course, students will work from scratch as well as use the ng cli.


Students for this course will be familiar with JavaScript and have a strong understanding of HTML/CSS. Some experience in TypeScript would be helpful. We advise people to follow our TypeScript Introduction course

Course Contents

This thrilling 4-day course offers experienced developers an excellent way to delve deeper into Angular 2 (A2). Throughout the 4 days, developers will be guided by our stimulating course to take on a deeper knowledge and understanding of Angular 2 (A2) without assuming any prior knowledge of AngularJS 1.x.

We will support students as they develop their knowledge from the basics of A2 through intermediate levels and beyond to include some advanced topics.

During the course, you will work on a case (a recipe web application). You will use webpack, typescript, scss, and the jasmine test framework together with karma

Below is a list of the objectives:

Introduction to Webpack

  • Benefits of using webpack (and alternatives)
  • Setup a project from scratch
  • Use various loaders (css, scss, typescript, ...)
  • Use pre-loaders (e.g, tslint)
  • Use different plugins (HtmlWebpackPlugin, CommonsChunkPlugin, ...)



  • Understand the role of components
  • Develop Components (using decorators)
  • Bootstrapping an angular 2 application
  • Understand ngModule
  • Appreciate the different data binding styles (property, event, two-way, class, style, ...)
  • Use Interpolation and built-in directives
  • Understand and develop pipes
  • Building forms with angular (including validation)
  • Building application using Angular cli


  • Input and Output/Events for component directives
  • Develop and use attribute directives
  • Develop and use structural Directives
  • Implementing life-cycle hooks
  • React to changes (including IterableDiffers)
  • Creating a micro-language (*-desugaring)
  • Creating feature modules


  • More on dependency injection
  • Define services
  • Register and inject services
  • Different injection techniques (named, using a factory)
  • Understand Promises


  • Introduction to RxJS
  • Understand and use Observables
  • Explore RxJS Functional reactive programming operators
  • Build Reactive services (e.g, http)
  • use reactive forms (the ReactiveFormsModule module)


  • Implement Routing
  • Child routes and route hierarchies
  • Define routes in submodules
  • constructing route urls
  • route directives
  • Router and ActivatedRoute APIs
  • Accessing Route parameters,
  • Using route guards (e.g, for authorisation)


  • Testing angular application using jasmine
  • Testing with and without a  TestBed
  • unit testing  services, components etc
  • Using jasmine  spys
  • mocking  http request using  HttpClientTestingModule
  • -*e2e  testing with protractor

Optional during the discussed courses:

  • Use of Docker and Kubernetes deployments
  • Use of Node or Scala (Spray/Akka Http) Server for RestFull Services

This course has been designed to deliver maximum knowledge transfer and understanding while remaining dynamic and engaging.

Welkom bij EDC4IT: Uw Innovatiehub voor IT-Training

Ontdek de kracht van onze interactieve Open Source Technologieën, DevOps en Infrastructuur cursussen:

  • Praktisch & Toepasbaar: Cursusmateriaal dat direct impact maakt in uw werk.
  • Persoonlijke Groei: On-the-job coaching en gepersonaliseerde consultancy.
  • Deskundige Trainers: Leer van de besten, met state-of-the-art materiaal.
  • Voorop in IT: Blijf vooruit met onze actuele en innovatieve aanpak.

Zet Nu de Stap met EDC4IT – Vergroot uw vaardigheden, versnel uw carrière.

Blijf op de hoogte van nieuwe ervaringen

Er zijn nog geen ervaringen.
  • Vraag informatie aan over deze training. Je ontvangt vanaf dan ook een seintje wanneer iemand een ervaring deelt. Handige manier om jezelf eraan te herinneren dat je wilt blijven leren!
  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: Angular.

Deel je ervaring

Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Vraag nu gratis en vrijblijvend informatie aan:
