Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships


Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships

The Scale-Up Group
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Gemiddeld cijfer voor Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships
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Anne Nynke Jansma
Anne Nynke Jansma
Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships

"Dan and Paige have developed an interesting sales model which helps you with finding the need of your customer and focusing on this more then your own desired outcome.

They are a lovely couple who have a very natural and relaxed way of training together. There's a very welcome and informal atmosphere and from the start they really put effort into understanding our pain-points and to form the training to our needs. " - 20-02-2017 10:42

"Dan and Paige have developed an interesting sales model which helps you with finding the need of your customer and focusing on this more the… alles lezen - 20-02-2017 10:42

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This is not your grandfather's sales training.

80% percent of all deals fail to close. We help you unlock those deals. This course will give you the habits and tools to teach customers how to buy from you, thus creating more partnerships earlier in the sales cycle. You will do that by focusing on the right customers, right activities, and inspiring confidence in yourself and others in preparation to go sell your product to their business partners.


The Scale-Up Toolkit is based on the current realities of business and technology. Your environment brings new Tensions every day. How are you equipped to manage Those Tensions? We audit your strengths against the 4 key habits of highly ef…

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Sales Training, Verkoopmethoden, Verkoopgesprek, Verkoopvaardigheden en Marketing en Sales.

This is not your grandfather's sales training.

80% percent of all deals fail to close. We help you unlock those deals. This course will give you the habits and tools to teach customers how to buy from you, thus creating more partnerships earlier in the sales cycle. You will do that by focusing on the right customers, right activities, and inspiring confidence in yourself and others in preparation to go sell your product to their business partners.


The Scale-Up Toolkit is based on the current realities of business and technology. Your environment brings new Tensions every day. How are you equipped to manage Those Tensions? We audit your strengths against the 4 key habits of highly effective selling: listening, planning, doing, and inspiring. We offer custom tools for each habit to focus your energy on the right growth tactics.

  • How to inspire customers to take meetings

  • How to negotiate with the right attitude and control emotions

  • How to identify decision makers and ask the right questions to move contracts forward

  • How to uncover reservations and create positive and constructive tension


By working on these four habits, our customers find balance, shared purpose, and more individual autonomy in their careers. This creates long-term growth of all kinds. Immediate results are increased lead conversion, faster buying cycles, and instilling buyer confidence.

Our Scale-up methods come from years of practice and refinement. We advocate lean, agile, and self-managing principles.

In addition to the individual work, we would be happy to review our agile team alignment or scaling business model toolkits. Please contact us.


Presentation materials are provided electronically (pdf) for reference after the course. Key printed materials are to be kept and we encourage frequent reference following the course. All reprints must be requested by e-mail at

Our self-audit is a proprietary tool and must be licensed if you wish to conduct it for your organization or with clients.

If you decide not to take the course, we encourage you to use our open source methods under the terms of service (www.thescaleupgroup/steal-our-stuff) and any thought leadership that serves you.

You can not hack partnerships. But you can be confident selling.

Gemiddeld cijfer voor Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships
Gebaseerd op 3 ervaringen
Anne Nynke Jansma
Anne Nynke Jansma
Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships

"Dan and Paige have developed an interesting sales model which helps you with finding the need of your customer and focusing on this more then your own desired outcome.

They are a lovely couple who have a very natural and relaxed way of training together. There's a very welcome and informal atmosphere and from the start they really put effort into understanding our pain-points and to form the training to our needs. " - 20-02-2017 10:42

"Dan and Paige have developed an interesting sales model which helps you with finding the need of your customer and focusing on this more the… alles lezen - 20-02-2017 10:42

Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships

"One hell of a sales-training. Dan and Page really stepped up and gave some insanely good sales tools. Not only that but they gave us useful insights into how to use our time effectively. Everyone is constantly selling something, be it an idea or a product or a joke for example. This training well help you with all of your needs for those actions. " - 16-02-2017 11:10

"One hell of a sales-training. Dan and Page really stepped up and gave some insanely good sales tools. Not only that but they gave us useful … alles lezen - 16-02-2017 11:10

Sales Tools for Modern B2B Partnerships

"I did the training with some coworkers and i it was fun. The training was tailored to our specific way of working and was nice and interactive. The trainers, Dan and Page, are very open and welcoming people and are really interested in the specific situation your company is in. Overall I learned a lot in this course and I was happy with the outcome. " - 08-12-2016 13:47

"I did the training with some coworkers and i it was fun. The training was tailored to our specific way of working and was nice and interacti… alles lezen - 08-12-2016 13:47

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