Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector (DDI) Training


Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector (DDI) Training

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Course Outline

In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector.

This course provides information about the basic architecture, deployment

scenarios, installation, configuration, and administration options, and

troubleshooting details that an administrator needs to know for successful

implementation and long-term maintenance.

Prerequisites & Audience

Target Audience:

This course is designed for IT professionals who are responsible for protecting

networks from any kind of networked, endpoint, or cloud security threats.

The individuals who will typically benefit the most include:

  • System administrators

  • Network engineers

  • Support Engineers

  • Integration Engine…

Lees de volledige beschrijving

Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Trend Micro, CompTIA A+ / Network+ / Security+, IT Beveiliging / Security, Cyber Security en Microsoft Azure.

Course Outline

In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector.

This course provides information about the basic architecture, deployment

scenarios, installation, configuration, and administration options, and

troubleshooting details that an administrator needs to know for successful

implementation and long-term maintenance.

Prerequisites & Audience

Target Audience:

This course is designed for IT professionals who are responsible for protecting

networks from any kind of networked, endpoint, or cloud security threats.

The individuals who will typically benefit the most include:

  • System administrators

  • Network engineers

  • Support Engineers

  • Integration Engineers

  • Solution & Security Architects

Course Prerequisites

Before you take this course, Trend Micro recommends that you have a working

knowledge of their products and services, as well as basic networking concepts and


You should also have a working knowledge of the following products:

? Windows 2003 / 2008 / 2012 / 7 / 8 servers and clients

? Firewalls, WAFs, Packet Inspection devices

? General understanding of malware

Course Topics


  • Advanced Threat Detection

  • Custom Defense Products and Strategies

  • Architecture

  • Components and Positioning

  • Connectivity Requirements

  • Administration Methods

  • Installation and Configuration

  • Threat Detection Technologies

  • ATSE, NCIE/VSAPI2, TMUFE, NCCE/CAV, Virtual Analyser

  • Network Packet Detection Flow

  • Virtual Analyzer

  • Components and Process flow

  • Decision rules and File Submission rules

  • Results and Reports

  • Virtual Analyzer Feedback

  • C&C Callback Attempts

  • Suspicious Object List

  • Logs and Reports

  • Debug Portal and Troubleshooting Portal

  • Updating

  • C&C Retro Scan

  • Sharing Threat Intelligence

  • Threat Connect

  • System and Resources

Blijf op de hoogte van nieuwe ervaringen

Er zijn nog geen ervaringen.
  • Vraag informatie aan over deze cursus. Je ontvangt vanaf dan ook een seintje wanneer iemand een ervaring deelt. Handige manier om jezelf eraan te herinneren dat je wilt blijven leren!
  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: Trend Micro.

Deel je ervaring

Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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