Lean Startup Training (English spoken)
In 6 meetings you learn how you can turn your business idea into a business with the help of the Lean Startup. You will discover that the customer is central. Part of this training is therefore conducting research among your (potential) customers. You will work with tools such as the Lean Canvas, Experiment Board and the Business Model Canvas. You learn to recognize problems in the market, perform experiments, develop a Minimum Viable Product and you learn which business model and revenue model will best suit your business idea. Finally, you will receive advice about the feasibility of your idea.
FOR WHOM: This training is suitable for starting entrepreneurs, innovati…
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In 6 meetings you learn how you can turn your business idea into a business with the help of the Lean Startup. You will discover that the customer is central. Part of this training is therefore conducting research among your (potential) customers. You will work with tools such as the Lean Canvas, Experiment Board and the Business Model Canvas. You learn to recognize problems in the market, perform experiments, develop a Minimum Viable Product and you learn which business model and revenue model will best suit your business idea. Finally, you will receive advice about the feasibility of your idea.
FOR WHOM: This training is suitable for starting entrepreneurs, innovation teams and entrepreneurs who develop new business models. Vocational teachers who want to train themselves in the lean startup methodology are also very welcome. A special Train the Trainer variant has also been developed for the latter group (if you, the teacher, want to know more about this variant, feel free to contact me via the email address community@bwventures.nl)
RESULT: When you have completed the training, you know whether your business idea / innovation has a chance of success. You have done research in the market; you have experimented, and you have applied what you have learned to your idea. You put together your first Lean Canvas, apply it to your own startup or innovation and change this during the training based on your customer experiments. Finally, you also learn which business and revenue model fits your customer solution.
PREPARATION: The training requires no preparation. At the end of the training you will receive the presentation and you will have access to our online videos and tools that you can use right away.
METHODOLOGY: The training is based on the Lean Startup methodology, combined and supplemented with a variety of principles and methods from other models such as: Agile, Lean Canvas, Experiment Board, Business Model Canvas.
FACILITIES: The use of materials is included in the price.
LANGUAGE: The workshop will be provided in English (Indien u de voorkeur geeft aan Nederlands, raden wij u aan de Nederlandstalige versie van deze cursus te bekijken).
“We help startups and corporations structure a process to capture ideas. They validate the ideas in an early stage,let them fail, learn, adapt and succeed. So they can capture value fast and benefit from the exponential growth of asustainable and scalable business model.”
Wie zijn wij?
BW Ventures begeleidt startende ondernemers en bestaande organisaties met het ontwikkelen, valideren en in de markt zetten van innovatieve producten en diensten. Inmiddels hebben wij onze naam gevestigd als accelerator en behoren we tot de top in Nederland. Zowel startups als gevestigde bedrijven maken gebruik van onze expertise. Meer lezen? https://www.bw.ventures en https://getreal.bw.ventures
Om het groeiend aantal starters en innoverende bedrijven in het MKB en grootbedrijf kennis te laten maken met onze manier van werken, hebben wij trainingen en workshops ontwikkeld waarmee je zowel de methodiek eigen maakt, onze hulpmiddelen leert gebruiken, maar ook daadwerkelijk aan de slag gaat om jouw idee of innovatie te valideren.
Wat maakt ons uniek?
Wij zijn geen opleidingsinstituut
- Daarom word je tijdens de bijeenkomsten begeleid door onze eigen medewerkers;
- Daarom werk je met dezelfde hulpmiddelen die wij ook inzetten bij onze klanten;
- Daarom werk je daadwerkelijk aan je eigen innovatieve idee.
About us?
BW Ventures helps starting entrepreneurs and existing organizations with the development, validation and marketing of innovative products and services. We are an accelerator and we are among the top in the Netherlands. Both startups and established companies use our expertise. Read more? https://www.bw.ventures and https://getreal.bw.ventures
In order to let the growing number of start-ups and innovative companies in SMEs and large companies become acquainted with our way of working, we have developed training courses and workshops with which you can both master the methodology. You also work with our tools. You will actually get started to validate your innovative idea.
What makes us unique?
We are not a training institution
- That is why you are coached by our own employees during the meetings;
- That is why you work with the same tools that we also use for our customers;
- That's why you actually work on your own innovative idea.
Deel je ervaring
Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.