Opleiding Financial statement analysis

Startdatum en plaats

Opleiding Financial statement analysis

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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_half 8,8 FOI heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,8 (uit 26 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

computer Online: Digital Classroom
13 mei. 2025 tot 20 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 13 mei 2025, 09:00-16:00, Digital Classroom, Dag 1
event 20 mei 2025, 09:00-16:00, Digital Classroom, Dag 2



Gain valuable insights into financial statements for companies, business relationships, tenants, suppliers, or customers. Efficiently analyze financial statements to understand the financial health of your relationships without spending hours on it.


In this one-day training, you'll learn to quickly identify key indicators such as solvency levels, changes in working capital, and cash flow. 

Compare these changes to previous years and determine if they align with the explanatory statements or require deeper analysis.


You'll cover key ratios like the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), and Solvency ratio. Learn to calculate, interpret, and relate these …

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Gain valuable insights into financial statements for companies, business relationships, tenants, suppliers, or customers. Efficiently analyze financial statements to understand the financial health of your relationships without spending hours on it.


In this one-day training, you'll learn to quickly identify key indicators such as solvency levels, changes in working capital, and cash flow. 

Compare these changes to previous years and determine if they align with the explanatory statements or require deeper analysis.


You'll cover key ratios like the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), and Solvency ratio. Learn to calculate, interpret, and relate these ratios to the financial statement's outlook and recent developments, helping you react promptly to any financial pressures.


Through systematic analysis of the balance sheet and profit & loss statement, you'll become skilled at making informed decisions about credit approvals, revisions, or investments. The training includes practical case studies to apply your new skills immediately. You can also submit questions or case studies in advance to be addressed during the training.


Before the training, access FOI's digital learning environment and complete the E-learning financial statement analysis module. This online module, available for 6 weeks, provides the theoretical foundation needed for practical and effective training.


Learning objectives 

  • Analyze and be able to make connections between the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement;
  • Be able to calculate and interpret various financial ratio's;
  • Determine the financial status of a company on the basis of the analyzed financial figures;
  • Prognosing on the basis of the historical figures;
  • Provide insight into the liquidity of the organization through cashflow statements and liquidity forecasts;
  • Recognize profit influence within the financial statements;
  • Provide an expert opinion in the decision-making process regarding lending, revision or participation;
  • Cashflow analysis versus profitability;
  • Be able to establish a relationship between cashflow and solvency & cashflow and working capital;
  • Revaluation and provision of deferred tax and its impact on net income;
  • Fixed assets, economic age and rent versus ownership. 

Opleidingen voor professionals
FOI is hét opleidingsinstituut voor financiële en vastgoed professionals in de zakelijke dienstverlening, non-profit sector en het bedrijfsleven.

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