Persoonlijke Effectiviteit: Training Discover & Improve Yourself (ENG en/of NL)

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Persoonlijke Effectiviteit: Training Discover & Improve Yourself (ENG en/of NL)

Xzellent - Training | Coaching
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Personal effectiveness; Each person is unique. They bring different styles, needs, motivations and expectations. In these differences are great strengths. This training is a journey to understand these differences and helps you to Discover & Improve your personal strenghts.
Understanding more about self, about others, and how to combine those strengths and build upon them leads to significantly higher personal effectiveness. And helps you to ensure you achieve your goals.

Also you will learn how to communicate more effectively, based on Insights. It’s all about recognizing the different types, adapting and connecting. The program Discover & Improve provides clarity and direction when it come…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Persoonlijke effectiviteit, Assertiviteit, NLP, Effectief communiceren en Productiviteit & Focus.

Personal effectiveness; Each person is unique. They bring different styles, needs, motivations and expectations. In these differences are great strengths. This training is a journey to understand these differences and helps you to Discover & Improve your personal strenghts.
Understanding more about self, about others, and how to combine those strengths and build upon them leads to significantly higher personal effectiveness. And helps you to ensure you achieve your goals.

Also you will learn how to communicate more effectively, based on Insights. It’s all about recognizing the different types, adapting and connecting. The program Discover & Improve provides clarity and direction when it comes to your personal development.

  • Accurate insights in strenghts and areas for development
  • Increased self-knowledge and self-awareness to become more effective
  • Better in recognising types, adapting and connecting
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Powerfull,  effective communication skills

After the training Discover & Improve Yourself

  • Accurate insights in strenghts and areas for development
  • Increased self-knowledge and self-awareness to become more effective
  • Better in recognising types, adapting and connecting
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Powerfull,  effective communication skills

Index training Discover & Improve Yourself

  • Opening and Introduction
  • What is the meaning of personal effectiveness?
  • The four colour energies
  • Your personal profile; who am I?
  • What does the theory of Jung says?
  • How do the colours relate to each other?
  • The conscious and less conscious persona ...?
  • In what way your beliefs effects your behavior?
  • How can you increase your personal effectiveness with this model?
  • Recognising other's styles
  • Effective communication skills
  • Adapting and connecting techniques
  • Action planning and keys to success

Approach training Discover & Improve Yourself
Training duration and data on request.

We provide insight, deepening and sharpening of skills. We use attractive methods which makes the training not only educational but also fun. We often work in small groups of varying composition so we can also learn a lot from each other. This training is based on the Insights Discovery Learning System. Xzellent is fully accredited by Insights Benelux and has a lot experience in coaching and training with the Insights Discovery Model.

Prior to the training you fill in an online questionnaire to determine your personal profile The trainer will contact you to dicuss your learning goals.

You work in this training to the competencies Perseverance, Proactivity, Apply knowledge, Persuasiveness, Achievement motivation, Stress tolerance, Ambition, Assertiveness, Communication, Empathy, Courage, Energy, Flexibility, Self Development.

This Insights training in English we provide as a custom program for your organization. Feel free to contact us about the possibilities.

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